The Brew by Free Logic

28. How to Effectively Market to Gen Z with Neal Sivadas | Free Logic Media

Episode Summary

Gen Z makes up 40% of all consumers and have a spending power of $143 billion dollars; the power of Gen Z as consumers is apparent, and markets need to recognize this. But how does one effectively market to this large, passionate group of consumers? Tune into the Brew as Nikhil and Luis speak with Neal Sivadas, Senior Strategist at JVU Consulting and current senior at the University of Southern California. Neal Sivadas has made it his mission to help brands and marketers better understand his generation through consulting for several small and medium sized companies and creating the Find Gen Z series, a marketing newsletter on Gen Z and social media with a current following of 10k subscribers. Topics discussed in today's show: 1. Gen Z Caring About Company Authenticity 2. Companies and Community Engagement 3. Creating Communities via Discord, Facebook Groups, and TikTok Challenges 4. Building Social Media Campaigns Around Community Engagement 5. Neal's Failure Story #GenZ #DigitalMarketing #SocialMedia Follow us: Website: Instagram: Spotify: Free Logic Media Music: “Nesting" by Birocratic ( The songs used in this video were licensed via Birocratic License v05.2016. For info on how you can use this music in your project, check out To download Birocratic’s 60+ song discography, visit